Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Here comes the Firetruck!


I like to cram ever since I was in college, so the night before we start the Ff Week I quickly made up my mind to create a Firehouse from an Annie's cracker box. I painted it with 5 coats of acrylic paint to entirely cover the box but somehow the letters on the box is still very visible. So I printed out windows, a flag and a Fire Station sign to cover most of it...then I was happy with the outcome!

Before I let Lia play with it, we watched a video together- It was of a firetruck that's about to respond to a fire alarm. Then we intently listened to the sound of the Firetruck, and I asked her in turn what sound it was.

We got this little firetruck and a fireman at a dollar store for $5. Just the perfect accessory for our Firehouse!

 Lia immediately started playing with it, pushing the firetruck in and out of the entrance. I included the police car, as most times, they come together.

Don't you think it's cute? I think so! 

 Then I printed out these awesome Fire Safety Word Cards from PreKinders, another amazing website for printables! {Check out her other fun printables!} I introduced them to Lia, just for exposure. 

Then we sang the song "Five Little Firefighters" using our own version. We got this one from Homeschool Creations' wonderful website of printables!

 Of course Lia danced along with the song...She would run when she hears the word!


All set for Day Two! We are going to paste firetrucks in the letter F and do some pre-writing practice with this Firetruck-themed worksheet from Royal Baloo's Zoomin'-Moving Alphabet! Then I'm going to attempt to read Kersten Hamilton's "Firefighters to the Rescue" and hope she sits through it! {she actually did, yay!}

She has been asking me for glue when she saw me holding it. "Lia's turn, Lia's turn!" she pleaded.

...and this was her finished product!

 Then we headed off to our pre-writing practice activity. I started with the first line so Lia would watch and follow the strokes. She actually did very well!

The fun part...Lia is going to help Mr. Fireman put out the fire with a water sprayer!

 It was her first time to actually use one properly, so she was exploring this little water gadget. She not only sprayed on the "fire", she included the table and the rug was wet...Haha!

Trying so hard! She was enjoying the moment!


 Started Day Three with this simple 2-piece Firetruck puzzle, still from Royal Baloo's Zoomin'-Moving Alphabet printable pack {scroll up for the link}. 

 We also tried lacing again. Baby girl is interested, but still couldn't do it perfectly as expected. Trying it again next time!{my goal is to keep exposing, that's all}

Doing her own thing!

 Then came the fun part! What do I do with these?! Set the building on FIRE! Mix all colors with shaving cream and...

 The building is on FIRE! Can Lia and little fireman put it out?!

Little Firefighter to the rescue!

and the fire is almost out!

watching the water flow!

Now the building is swimming in water...Haha!

That caps off our Firetruck/Firefighter Theme! That was fun! Lia is only 2-years old so eventually we will be learning about fire safety at home when she's a little older and could understand how things work.

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