Thursday, September 25, 2014

Button Crafts and Activities

B is for BUTTONS Activity Set-Up
Book & Song: Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons

We started the day tracing the Bb worksheet with playdough, so I can finish making our button snake. I showed Lia how to trace the letter and she followed suit... only it's Lia's way! Whatever makes her busy, I thought. 

That was the only part that was perfect... she immediately squished the dough and tear them into tiny pieces... silly girl!

Then I gave her the letter B is for button activity. She is to decorate the letter with buttons, according to how she likes.

Designing is serious business!

The living room was silent while we were both busy, so I played the Buttons song from Pete the Cat. I love that the song is actually what was written in the book. It's about Pete the Cat and his four buttons that rolled away. Lia stopped for a while...and then, she stood up and started grooving to the music! The beat was contagious, I started singing along too!

 {wasn't able to capture better pictures while we both were into the music}
Lia asked me to play the song a few more times and she started singing along the familiar lines!

After we both were settled, I introduced the button snake activity where Lia would get these felt squares into the strip using the button ends.

We got the first one in...

 and Little Ms. Independent wanted to do it by herself!

 she says: "My turn, my turn, my turn!"

She clapped and exclaimed, "yay!" when we were finally done!

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